You Can’t Do It All.

I say this to myself + others all the time but for the past 6 months, I haven’t really been abiding by this sage advice. I want to do it all. Plain + simple. I want to help everyone, be supportive to everyone + soak in the magic of life (i.e. show up for celebrations, mail birthday cards, send good luck reminder texts, connect with new students, go to concerts, visit people in the hospital, hold everyone’s babies, meet with fellow cancer thrivers + more). I want to scoop up every opportunity to be successful in my business – both with experiences + financially.  Since starting Chi Chi Life in January 2015, time management has always been an issue. And I’m finally learning it’s not possible to do it all. Here are my struggles + how I plan to get back on track.


Issue: Many days, I teach anywhere from 3 hours to 6 hours. I’m leading rockstars in the studios at exhale + Flex Studios, I train people one-on-one + I guide employees in a corporate environment to move + groove. Lately, I haven’t been able to exercise very much at all. Instead of my 1-2 rest days/week, it’s more like I am exercising 1-2 days/week. It’s not good for my body + mind + I’ve been super down about it.

Solution: Reduce my hours of teaching + carve out more time to ensure I am getting some sort of exercise in. Find creative solutions to squeeze in movement – maybe it’s a quick run to /from one of my appointments.


Issue: I’ve been pretty lax with my diet this summer. I haven’t made the best choices consistently + I rationalized them (the worst!). There’s been a good amount of ice cream, candy + other treats – and in turn weight gain. I haven’t been planning my meals + often find myself grabbing something quick or just not eating all that much – which leaves me depleted + with low energy to navigate my days.

Solution: Food is fuel. Dedicate time to shop on the same day each week + plan (most) meals so I have yummy, healthy food easily accessible to me + Russ.


Issue: Simply put, I am overwhelmed with my current commitments so much that I do not feel like I am nailing any of them. I feel like I can’t get ahead. Though I am never unprepared, I find myself scrambling to get organized before next appointment.

Solution: Take an assessment of how I spent my time + energy. See what commitments excite me + remove those that don’t. Build in more prep time into my days to avoid the scramble.

=== The Takeaway: Life is certainly not easy but I believe in supporting each other through shared experiences. What have you been struggling with lately? Comment here + let’s help each other!

With heart,


Do you Dare to Bare?

Learn Always.